Fallout shelter no weapons
Fallout shelter no weapons

fallout shelter no weapons

So much so that the concept of a “megadeath” (or one million dead from a single attack) was coined to discuss the topics we’re about to cover today. Ultimately, there’s no way to cover this topic without touching on some exceptionally dark material, as the immense power of these weapons is unlike anything else in human history. ( Image courtesy of US Department of Energy)

fallout shelter no weapons

So today, we will show you what that nuclear attack map might look like for 2023.Īfter that, we will dive deep into the specific strategies and weapons most likely to be deployed and the fallout that would result in the aftermath.īut before we begin, a word of warning: what you’re about to read will be grim.

fallout shelter no weapons

After all, it can shape your response in those crucial early moments of crisis and help you plan your response beforehand. In reality, the target of a nuclear strike would vary based on the aggressor and the type of attack.īut as you’re about to see, certain regions of America are at far greater risk than others.Īnd knowing where it will happen -before the nuclear bomb ever goes off -is a potentially life-saving advantage in the face of a cataclysmic nuclear attack. In that case, you’d know exactly when and where the bombs would fall first -and which cities, bases, or locations might be hit in secondary attacks. What if you had a nuclear attack map before the first warhead went off? ( Image courtesy of Princeton University/Nuclear Futures Lab)

Fallout shelter no weapons